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about Coaching

an experience that will change your life...

Coaching Experience...

Get to know yourself NEWLY. Working with a sensitive, intuitive and empathic Coach is a healthy way to grow. Most clients hire a Coach, to accomplish several specific objectives and much of the time, the focus is on the goals. Yet, with a Coach, don’t be surprised if you discover new parts of your “Self” or, if you find your goals adjusting to fit who you really are. This discovery process is natural; so you needn’t rush it, just realize it will likely happen. There are several assessment programs you will be working on that will directly help this process.


Coaching is proven to work when there are two factors present:


1) You, as the client are willing to grow, and
2) There is a gap between where you are now and where you want to be.


That is all that is necessary for the Coach and the Client to solve problems, create a new life, turn a business around, and/or design and implement a plan of action.

With me as your Coach, you will:


  • Take BETTER and SMARTER actions because you set the goals you really want. Finding out exactly what you really want for yourself is our first task together. I help you to distinguish between what you ‘should’ be/want from what you, in your heart of hearts, really want for yourself. Once you create the ideal goal, you’re much more likely to naturally and consistently take actions to reach it.

  • Make Better Decisions for Yourself: Your focus will be clear. I will help you become focused as you share ideas with me - someone who understands you, and is subjective enough to want much for you, yet objective enough not to be biased or self-serving.

  • Have a More Sustainable Energy: No more starting and stopping. When you’re happy, productive and free from “tolerations” and problems, you’re going to feel better!!!


Here is what Coaching will require from you:

Be committed to living an extraordinary life.

Be responsible for the results of your coaching process.

Be committed to the coaching sessions and taking actions.

See every interaction as an opportunity to integrate and synthesize the Coaching Principles with your own thinking, speaking and actions

Tell the truth; be honest with yourself and me even if it is uncomfortable.


Coaching with ME

  • I will Love you and support your vision and goals and provide structure that supports you in making conscious choices.

  • I will ask you to step beyond your present limitations as you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

  • I will be an objective listener.

  • I will tell the truth - give you straight feedback. I will not be confrontative; instead I will invite you to look at yourself, your partner and your choices differently.



As your coach I will support you in improving your relationships, career, and day-to-day lives. I will help you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle.

In creating these strategies, we will target your unique skills and gifts.
By helping you to make the most of your strengths, l will provide the support you need to achieve long-lasting change.


With me you will learn mindfulness techniques, mental fitness habits and positive intelligence tools that will keep you in the present moment while mastering your mind and appreciating every part of yourself; the light and the shadow.




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