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In 2016, I went through the loss of two important people in my life who were 

my support and my comfort. I was sinking in grief and pain, until one day I

woke up wondering about where I was in life, who was I being, and what were my dreams? I had no dreams. I lost that connection with my own SELF, I even had no desire to move on. I lost hope


The only way forward for me was to go within, to explore my self-sabotaging behavior patterns and confront many of my limiting beliefs. This is when my own coaching journey began. 


In 2017, I stepped into a deep learning journey that took me from mindfulness, to spirituality, to breath-work programs, to energy healing practices, to Positive Intelligence programs and culminated to a life-transforming two year degree with CTI (Coaching Training Institute).


This journey connected me to my purpose and potential. I discovered that my true strength lies in inspiring people and empowering them to seek, find and fuel the inner leader within them.

I have had the opportunity to lead large teams and have always had a fascination with what makes people grow and thrive in personal and professional settings.  

In 2020, I became a CPCC (Co-Active Professional Certified Coach). This experience equipped me with innovative tools to coach people to discover their inner talents, identify their life purpose and unleash their best selves.


Things have not always been easy and breezy.


The journey of self growth is challenging and confronting. My coaching sessions revealed deep patterns of codependency, as well as fears of emotional abandonment, betrayal and addiction. I also worked through my relationship with finances and wealth, as well as unhealthy attachment habits to people and toxic relationships. 


Regaining control over my life showed me that I do not need to be afraid to live fully and freely, and that I do not need to wait for a rescuer to save me. I am the only one who can rescue myself.


This is where transformation begins!


This activated me to make conscious goals, take actions and implement lifestyle changes to transform self-doubt and fear into fuel that propelled me into creating the life that I live today: fulfilling and free!


A life of joy and freedom is our birthright and it is not only for the dreamers, it is for everyone who is willing to take the first step to making their dreams a reality.


Join me in unlocking your true potential and making it the reality that you live in!







During my coaching certification, I realized that a huge part of my life's calling was to support nature and small businesses whose mission is to protect the environment.

In 2020, I launched my first dream project,, an ecommerce platform that promotes sustainable living, thus honoring my love of nature and all its living creatures.

Afternoon Light
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